EFL - Emmott Foundation Ltd
EFL stands for Emmott Foundation Ltd
Here you will find, what does EFL stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Emmott Foundation Ltd? Emmott Foundation Ltd can be abbreviated as EFL What does EFL stand for? EFL stands for Emmott Foundation Ltd. What does Emmott Foundation Ltd mean?Emmott Foundation Ltd is an expansion of EFL
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Alternative definitions of EFL
- English as a First Language
- Kefallinia, Greece
- Extreme Football League
- Exploring Foreign Languages
- Emotional Feedback Loop
- Everquest Football League
- Emerging Markets Florida RT Fund, Inc.
- English as a Foreign Language
View 90 other definitions of EFL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- EMMSI EMMS International
- ECS Employee Counselling Service
- EFD Employers Forum on Disability
- EEMTR Empress Eugenie Memorial Trust Realty
- EMET Ena Makin Educational Trust
- ES Enable Scotland
- EEN Enabling Education Network
- EPOCH Worldwide End Physical Punishment of Children
- ETL Endeavour Training Limited
- ESGT Enephalitis Support Group, The
- EAS Energy Action Scotland
- ECFEC Enfield College Further Education Corporation
- EST Enfield Society, The
- ECUK Engineering Council, UK
- EFDSS English Folk Dance and Song Society
- EH English Heritage
- EIAL English International Association of Lund
- ENBL English National Ballet Limited
- ENBSL English National Ballet School Limited
- EPOPT English Province of the Order of Preachers, The